I have come to understand that there are three things that are present in a happy person:
1. Humility, which is the ability never to assume anything, and to never take anything for granted.
2. Sincerity, which is being in and speaking from your heart.
3. Passion, which is the ability to focus on a something with childlike wonder, and to never give up!

As we move into the time of the Butterfly, we should all strive to be all of these things!

Did you know that caterpillars turn into a kind of soup in the chrysalis before they become butterflies? It’s true! We humans are also in our own kind of soup right now.

That’s why I call this Caterpillar Soup!

©Christina Florence – December 2013

More Caterpillar Soup


We are all in the soup. Feeling topsy-turvy, upside down and sideways. Caterpillars are slow to change into butterflies, and it takes them a long time to get there. But we are in the soup now and soon we will fly. My friends, it is time. My clients are all asking me what is heck is going on. All I can say is, everyone is in it. No exceptions! Hang on. It’s going to be a bumpy ride! Soon you won’t need the wheels.

We will all have wings!

©Christina Florence – November 2013



Did you know that caterpillars turn into a kind of soup in the chrysalis before they become butterflies? It’s true! That is why I call this caterpillar soup. We humans are also in our own kind of soup right now. Here are some words of wisdom to get you through:

THE ONLY WAY OUT IS IN. (Your heart is your soul, your soul is eternal)

Caterpillar soup has been on my mind lately. These days I am thinking that we are all in our own form of caterpillar soup. Do you feel as though you have lost your identity? Does it feel as though things are shifting so much that you have no control?

You are in caterpillar soup.

Soon to become a beautiful butterfly. Caterpillars always, always emerge as butterflies. They may feel that they have lost their identities because they are no longer solid, as they first turn to a brown liquid. But they always become a beautiful multicolored being that can fly.

Caterpillar Soup what are you.
Caterpillar Soup if only I knew.
Caterpillar Soup who am I?
Caterpillar Soup turns into a Butterfly.

©Christina Florence – October 2013


My Avaaz story.

My story begins 12 years ago when I was in a deep depression. So sad that I could barely get out of bed. I did not know why I was so depressed, but I was going down fast.

About a year went by like this and I thought I couldn’t take it much longer. My husband had some old Tony Robbins tapes in the closet and by some miracle I found them. Then a friend of mine showed up unexpectedly with a book she wanted me to read about how to get happy. I started listening and reading, slowly, slowly coming out of the dark fog that I was in.

As I began to awake, I realized that I had been my own prisoner and that it was up to me to get out. I realized that I had been missing the richness around me, which consisted of my family, my friends and the beautiful environment in which I lived.  These things were more important than anything I had focused on; job, money, and material things. Those are important, yes, but they are secondary to your happiness.

I began to search for what really made be happy. I searched for my deepest happiness. I started writing everything down that I observed around me and began to see such beautiful things. Things that I had not paid any attention to or noticed before. It was the beginning of a long, amazing journey!

Today I write books and make short little movies on the subject of happiness and what makes people happy. True happiness, does not come from the outside, but wells up from the depths of your being and from your heart.

We are one, and as we all find our “trueness”, we all become part of a collective of happiness that cannot be suppressed!! Find your inner happy child!

©Christina Florence – April 2013

“Deep Truth” Reviewed

Continuing my review of inspirational authors, I’ve chosen “Deep Truth” by Gregg Braden.

Gregg Braden is one of my favorite authors. As a scientist and a kind of new age guru, Gregg has traveled the world in his search for a way to balance the two. I have always loved the way Gregg writes because he combines his immense scientific knowledge with all the wisdom of his travels and interviews with indigenous elders.

In his new book, “Deep Truth” he addresses the deep divide that is affecting our world
today and how it has brought our world to the precipice of a major fork in the road for the future.

Our world is feeling more divided than ever under political, religious and economic pressures. Many of us feel confused and lost in all of it.

Reading Gregg Braden’s book “Deep Truth” gave me hope for this chaos. By the end of the book, I actually felt that we can bridge the gap and work together to save our planet.

©Christina Florence – January 2013

How to Stay Happy in 2013

I have been reading books on happiness and well-being for many years, so I thought it would be good to share some of my favorite ones with all of you.

My first pick is Louis Hay. She was my very first new age book! Back in the eighties, she was a true pioneer in self-healing.
Her first book, You Can Heal Your Life has just been republished. It is still as good as it was the first time I read it. Packed with incredible insights and affirmations, this book is a must read. It follows the tenant that we are each responsible for our own reality and “dis-ease.”

In this book Hay writes about how we make ourselves ill by having thoughts of self-hatred. Included in this book is an exhaustive directory of ailments along with the emotional causes for each disease. There are affirmations to help overcome each illness. For example, the affirmation for MS is “By choosing loving, joyous thoughts, I create a loving joyous world. I am safe and free.”

I highly recommend this book to start your new year. As a happiness coach I like to feed my own soul with books that inspire and motivate me. Louise Hay’s book is one of my inspirations.

©Christina Florence – January 2013

Currencies for a New Era, Part Two

These new currencies are not found in banks or

 in your wallet.

Look and you will find them all around you.

White mink clouds.

Trees are leaves of shimmering gold.

Beauty everywhere is bounty of inestimable worth.

Love and compassion are priceless.

Hugs are worth trading for.

Fields of flowers are endless gardens of wealth.

The moon in the sky is a silver dollar.

My garden was full of tomatoes. I picked 65 of them and I felt like a millionaire!

These are the currencies for the new era.

©Christina Florence – November 2012

Currencies for a New Era

Currencies for a New Era
While driving through the New Mexican countryside I had a thought: what if I could use nature as a metaphor for money? What if I just thought of my bank account as river banks overflowing with cool spring water, endless fluffy tufts from the soft white clouds, and beautiful shimmering gold from the towering aspen trees. As I sped through the cool Autumn sunshine I began to smile as I felt more and more abundant, knowing that my prosperity came from the beauty of nature, and that it is eternal and endless.
©Christina Florence – October 2012